How to Fill out Score Sheet
1. Age Level - team type such as Mite, Squirt, etc.
2. Date – date of the game
3. Rink - where game is being played
4. This info is on the label
5. This info is on the label
6. This info is on the label: Coaches Info – coaches’ names, their USA Hockey Coaching Education Program (CEP) card number, their CEP Level (1-Initiation, 2- Associate, 3-Intermediate, 4-Advanced or 5-Master) and the date on the card (from the sticker on the back of the card)
7. This is done by referee/scorekeeper: Home & Visitor Verification – one coach from each team MUST sign the score sheet.
8. This is done by referee/scorekeeper: Scoring - enter goals and assists as they are called by the referees - remember to enter and circle the total score for each team.
9. This is done by referee/scorekeeper: Saves – enter the goalies number and track all saves (not shots). If the game is split between two goalies repeat the process on the second line.
10. This is done by referee/scorekeeper: Penalties - enter penalties as they are called by the referees.
11. This is done by referee/scorekeeper: This area is for the referees to print and sign their names. Please have all referees print their state number next to his or her name.